Nottinghamshire Sustainable Food Network aims to provide a dynamic and inclusive forum for discussion and collective actions on all key food issues. We are a network of stakeholders including Nottinghamshire County Council, District and Borough Councils, Voluntary and Community organisations, NHS, Universities and work closely with our colleagues in Nottingham City and Nottingham Good Food Partnership. The Network is chaired by Nottinghamshire County Council.
The Network was formed during the Covid-19 pandemic with an initial focus on food insecurity but has since broadened its scope to look at wider issues across the whole food system. Our initial focus to build community resilience and improve opportunities to grow food, food redistribution and social eating have strengthened our collaboration and joint vision. We look forward to developing a food plan for Nottinghamshire which addresses health inequalities and aligns environment and economic opportunities to enable a healthy and sustainable food system. Food and nutrition are a priority in the Nottinghamshire Joint Health and Wellbeing strategy and the Network is a core component to influence and shape the work of the Healthy and Sustainable places ambition.
We currently meet every quarter to provide a forum for discussion and development.
With a new term of reference agreed, we are taking the next steps in our vision. We are developing a strategic group which will provide high level steer and influence between the Network and the Nottinghamshire Joint Health and Wellbeing strategy.
We will be holding a stakeholder engagement event to identify our key priorities and developing an action plan aligning to SFP principles.
We will be promoting our Nottinghamshire Food Charter and Good Food Nottinghamshire web pages with wider system partners and the public.
Nottinghamshire Healthier Options Takeaway (NCC) works with takeaway businesses/ organisations that provide a takeaway option to increase healthier alternatives.
We are conducting a feasibility study into developing a Farmstart scheme in Nottinghamshire which would upscale opportunities for local food growing and selling.