Food4Fife partnership

The Food4Fife project is about people in Fife (individuals, communities, and businesses) coming together to work across all aspects of the food system to help solve some of today’s health, environmental and economic challenges.

The aim of the project is to work together to help change and adapt Fife’s food culture, so that the food we produce and consume, becomes more local and environmentally friendly

The Food4Fife project started in January 2021 and has successfully completed the first phase at the end of July 2021. Phase 2 will continue through to the end of 2023.

Phase one – Brought together experienced people from all areas of the food system to form a partnership and create a food vision. We held a food vision workshop in June and launched the Food4Fife partnership in August 2021

Phase two – Creation of a food strategy, action plan and delivery of projects for change. The food strategy will be based on 6 main priorities.

Our chair is Jo-Anne Valentine from the NHS. Other members include representation from community groups, university. college and council procurement teams, local farmers, local food business, Economic, Climate, and Biodiversity council teams, Fifes Food Insecurity group and the NHS.

What we do

Fork to farm dialogues started in August 2021. We meet once a month. It’s been a great way to work with our farmers and the NFU to create a platform for ideas and discussion. Fife Councils Procurement and Facilities and Economic departments have also been part of the dialogues and we now have 3 pilot projects developing to bring local food to schools, care homes, and event locations.  

For Cop26 with created our film ‘Fields of Hope’ to reflect the issues from the dialogues and this was premiered at Nourish Scotland’s exhibition. The film can be viewed here Fork2Farm at Cop26 | Food for Fife 

We have developed a Fife -wide procurement group looking to share information and how best we can use the public procurement for community wealth building.

The SW Fife Love food hate waste project is working with pantries and food banks to map access to food in local rural communities and build capacity around food, cooking, budgeting, food waste, recycling, and sustainable food. The project runs till March 2022. Outcomes include local recipe cards and a recipe book; a film of the process and local maps present and future relating to food availably. 

A research project around food waste behaviour in the home is currently underway with Zero Waste Scotland and Fife Councils research team. The outcomes from this work will be piloted in the SW Fife Love food hate waste project. 

We are working with SFP on a workshop in November responding to Scottish Government's Local food plan. 

The Food4Fife partnership will hold a food system review workshop in November and a strategy workshop in January 2022 

We have a comms team and website and are linked in with Fife Councils Climate comms programme. 

Areas of expertise

Partnership & Collaboration

Food Vision & Action Plan