Partneriaeth Bwyd Cynaliadwy Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr

Bridgend Sustainable Food Partnership. 

  • We are a network of people from a range of organisations coming together with a shared desire to make change.
  • We want to ensure sustainable and healthy food is accessible to benefit everyone in Bridgend County Borough. 
  • The partnership focuses on a collaborative coordinated approach across the whole food system.

Aim and purpose. 
The aim of the Sustainable Food Partnership is to create a sustainable food strategy for Bridgend  County Borough. The strategy aims to enable equal opportunities for everyone in Bridgend to have good access to healthy food and to create a local food system that is resilient to food shocks resulting from climate change. The purpose of the food partnership is to have a coordinated collaborative  approach to sustainable food. This is done by engaging a diverse steering group, a wide range of  stakeholders, involvement with relevant networks that work across the 6 key areas and public  engagement. This ensures representation across the county borough to coproduce a strategy for  Bridgend.

What we do

Previously we have:

  • Mapped food systems across Bridgend
  • Hosted Stakeholder Workshop
  • Hosted the Bridgend Food Summit.
  • Worked with Food & Fun to introduce Bridgend grown veg to the scheme. 
  • Community engagement sessions.

Currently we are:

  • Hosting monthly community food network meetings with BAVO
  • Involved with the Welsh Veg in School Pilot, introducing Welsh grown organic broccoli to primary schools in Bridgend. 
  • Working on a Community Food Supply & Distribution  project. 
  • Launching a Bridgend Wide Food Survey.

Areas of expertise

Partnership & Collaboration

Food Vision & Action Plan

Awareness and Engagement

Good Food Procurement

Transforming Local Supply Chains