Belfast Sustainable Food Partnership

The Belfast Sustainable Food Partnership is a cross-sectoral partnership of 27 partner organisations from across business, community, government and academia. Following on from the work of the Belfast Food Network (BFN) since 2014 as one of the early partners on the Sustainable Food Places (formerly Sustainable Food Cities) network, the Partnership is in the process of reestablishing itself and renewing the city's bronze award, originally awarded in 2016. 

The Belfast Sustainable Food Partnership is now being energised with a new approach and governance and coordination being provided by Belfast City Council's Climate Team through support from Sustainable Food Places. 

What we do

The Belfast SFP has been officially up and running since August 2023 and it acts as a collective voice for the city on key challenges for the food system in Belfast around climate change, biodiversity, food justice, circular economy, urban farming, community growing, food waste and more. The Partnership will be developing its understanding of food issues in the city in 2024 by mapping the food system, engaging with communities and developing a shared vision and food strategy for the city. 

Areas of expertise

Partnership & Collaboration

Awareness and Engagement

Active Food Citizenship

Tackling Food Poverty

Promoting Healthy Eating

Climate & Nature Friendly Food

Tackling Food Packaging & Waste