REDI for Change: Review Tool introduction and sharing session

12/03/2024 14:00 15:30

Do you want to know more about what Sustainable Food Places is doing to become an actively anti-racist programme?

Do you also want to know more about one way you could begin the process in your own food partnership or organisation?

On Tuesday March 12th 2024 we will be hosting an online workshop session to introduce the REDI for Change Review Tool - a self-reflection process to help you review your organisation's culture, practice and people through the lens of race, equity, diversity and inclusion.  

The session will start at 2.00pm and last 1 ½ hours, and in it we will:

  • Take you on a guided tour of the REDI Review Tool
  • Share experience from the 3 REDI Pilot Food Partnerships - Islington, Shropshire and Plymouth - who have been exploring how the Review can help to embed anti-racist principles in their organisations and an anti-racist ethos to their work.
  • Explain our future plans for Anti-racism Baseline Training for the SFP Network and the development of an Anti-racism Strategy for the SFP Programme