A stunning film about taking back our power by growing our own food.

Charlie Wood

Growers (Documentary). A self funded film by Charlie Wood (22min)

“I believe we can help change the world with a growing revolution” - Mitch McCulloch.


Have you ever had the temptation to start growing your own food? I bet you have, especially in the past few years. It might seem insurmountable, but these four characters from diverse backgrounds have become inspirational gardeners or "growers". Growers is more than about learning how to grow tomatoes; it's about how we all aspire to find quiet peace, an oasis, and nurture our own growth.

In the wake of food supply chain disruption, climate crisis, and the lack of chemical free produce, people are turning to growing their own food. There couldn’t be a more important time than now to reclaim our power and become more self-sufficient. To address this issue, the film explores the stories of four diverse individuals and how their lives have changed for the better since finding their passion to grow healthy foods.

In addition to improving his mental health, Mitch McCulloch left London to grow his own food near the south coast where he also enjoys foraging and searching for wild foods. Danni Gallacher founder of “Girl Skate UK” combines her love for skateboarding with growing and has even built a skateboarding ramp in her Sheffield based allotment. Alessandro Vitale has crafted an abundant urban garden in Central London, made exclusively with recycled materials. Charles Dowding’s market garden in Somerset yields over 25,000lbs worth of food
each year and his “no dig” approach to gardening has been adopted by millions since his teachings began.

Growers hits you in that sweet spot where it doesn’t tell you that you should be doing this or that, it simply radiates an excitement for gardening through the enthusiasm and wellbeing of the gardeners. Making use of sunlight and the natural colours of the garden, Charlie has filmed each gardener in a cinematic style to enthral us with even the smallest details of growing vegetables. The selective, shallow focus brings us intimately into the view of each gardener’s
experience that will leave you feeling positively empowered to take up the trowel.

“To be a good grower is something that is in reach of anybody” - Charles Dowding

For more information contact Charlie Wood.

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